You are such a curmudgeon. That said, I’d marry you in an instant if I was not already married.

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Brilliant mate

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One of the advantages to living in the hinterlands is we don't have to put up with people on public transport. Although I do get the occasional car driving past that has the music so loud that the bass rattles the house. I kid you not.

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What about the inventor of those cheap air fresheners that every taxi or Uber driver thinks will cover their body odor? I don’t like that guy or girl either!

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I love this and like most things we read and love, it's mostly bc we already agree w every word. (and then find even new words to agree w!)

i don't mean to hijack, but just want to fortify with some personal anecdata aka vent:

I live in LA and was alone this Thanksgiving, and it was warm out, so I drove to the beach w a sack full of books and snacks to chill surfside. The beach was beautiful and almost empty so I settle in when within say 10 mins some guy pulls up with a radio blasting. Totally clueless and just imagining himself starring in his own movie, where I'm blessed to be an extra. Absolutely not the slightest concern that there was someone nearby who may have not wanted to listen to his music (and there were acres of empty space not next to me!)

Luckily he got bored soon and left but all day I couldn't help but notice packs of tourists walking at the water's edge, the sun above the Pacific, with their faces completely glued to their phones. Not even some of the most beautiful scenery on the planet could tear them away from their little black mirrors—why bother to leave the house? (I wanted to scream at them but didnt).

Whoever invented the smartphone makes Oppenheimer look like Jonas Salk. Walter Shaw is gonna have a lotta company in his circle of Hades.


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Well, at least one agreeable person lives in LA.

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i resent this, i am entirely disagreeable! ;))

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Oh, I mean agreeable to me. Which, rest assured, is disagreeable to The Normals and their LinkedIn profiles.

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oh i got it


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No Mr. Gage your not cynical, you're right.

I hated the boombox, and cars so loud my car vibrates.

Now my preferred method is staked to an ant hill, but I defer to your wonderful idea of hanged, drawn and quartered.

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Don't forget to take the quarters and display them conspicuously in the town square. To keep the peasants in a proper state of terror.

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Sitting in the cell waiting for the hangman focuses the mind. Seeing your homeboy with his head on a stake reminds one of the possibilities in life.

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I like it.

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