Very good writing. Did you attend Oxford Brookes?

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Thank you.

No, Oxford Sour melds Oxford Comma and Whiskey Sour.

I attended Cardiff.

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conformity disguised as transgression pretty much sums up so much of the zeitgeist and modern culture--yet it's not the 'let me blend in' type of conformity of ye Olde pre-social media days, it is a desperate sweaty 'pls notice me and think im cool!!' type of conformity that doesnt get mercilessly mocked only because everyone's doing it.

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Indeed. I've always loathed that High School Mentality. Why would anyone crave the approval of such loathsome creatures?

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It reminds my of Monty Python's Spanish Inquisition putting the old lady in the "comfy chair."

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It's criminal that I'm British and have never seen one minute of Monty Python...

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Faux confessions swarmed the sales world when I was there.

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You lived through the America as depicted by 'Your Dad's America.' Utopia!

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