excellent critique! Loved so many lines, like "ignorant oxygen hoarders"...

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Thanks, mate. Juvenal rides again!

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Love this..."Colombian hypocrisy tour" 🤣😂 like their worldwide privacy tour as lampooned by South Park....he's dim and she's certifiable, what could possibly go wrong? Apparently she talks to Diana, as Diana "channels through her " (technical psychic term) and she even wears the same perfume as Diana....my friend and I were discussing the Sussexes on Thursday night over a couple of bottles. They're like a car crash, and you can't help but watch. Fascinating in a "what on God's green earth will they do next?" kind of way.....As for Mania, oh we're there already, I suspect we arrived several years ago when children were encouraged to refrain from being competitive at school "Everyone gets a prize!" No, no they don't.....and has resulted in the mediocre public services, politicians etc we have now. Heaven help us all.

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Mr. Gage, as an American, what did we do to deserve those two?

American girls have married princess before. They lived in the princess country. They settled down and had children. They were respectful to the family and country.

Yet these two have been so disrespectful to both countries, and the world I might add.

Also, how do they claim victim hood?

A prince and a rich girl actress are victims of what exactly?

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In a therapeutic culture, the 'authentic self' is essentially the highest good. So, to suggest someone is not their authentic self is a high crime. Hence why most choose to not notice such obvious disparities between reality and pretense. And why many people readily exploit this reluctance to suggest the emperor is naked.

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I always appreciate hearing what these two privacy seekers are up to. And thanks for mentioning the book. I'm always looking for things to read.

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Thanks for another enjoyable read. Their trip to Latin America could have been less hypocritical and perhaps more useful if they had visited Colombia's neighbour and voiced even a tiny bit of scepticism about the recent presidential election results making Maduro the winner.

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But Maduro did win... if you count 133% of the population and disregard half of the opposition's votes! See? My Truth.

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Good point. The outcome was not really a surprise. When I lived in Chicago the motto at election time used to be "vote early and vote often." Even the dead voted for chrissake!

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Yup. Venezuela should be the richest nation in Latin America... I remember prominent left-wingers here lauding the Venezuelan model. They're strangely quiet now.

The obvious immutability of human nature draws me toward Switzerland. That country has similar (and often better) outcomes than Scandinavia, with much lower taxation. The more democracy, I guess, the better.

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Bravo 👏 🫡

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Well, this is certainly a "sour" commentary. Very harsh, in fact. That is OK, but really - what harm do Harry and Meghan do? And it might be OK for Colombians not to care about climate change, as you suggest - but not far away, we beleaguered islands care a great deal. PS You don't have to be overly bright to be influential, or even have leadership qualities. And at age 39 isn't he entitled to at least try (I think you were suggesting he is too young)?

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Perhaps you should study the aims and methods of satire. That would answer all of your questions. Right now, you're asking why I make cakes with butter, eggs, flour and sugar.

Oh, and the 'Sour' in Oxford Sour has nothing to do with anything I write. It's a cocktail.

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I know it's a cocktail, but I thought it was in reference to your writing!

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It's a Whiskey Sour. But you wash the glass in Absinthe. I thought I'd invented it. But somebody beat me to it! I must rejig the formula to make it my own.

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I was wondering where the name came from. Thanks.

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You should have to be “overly bright” to be influential, isn’t that the point?

And personally I think caring a great deal about climate change in this country (UK) is utterly ridiculous. The idea that this tiny speck (any tiny speck!) of an island, planting some trees and recycling a few Coke cans is making any difference to next years temperatures, and rising sea levels is a great example of not letting facts get in the way of actual truth.

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The climate is changing. That humans will somehow arrest that process is the delusion of our times.

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Aug 17
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I have been put in my place. I am familiar with satire; it didn't read like that to you. And I was simply suggesting a little more fairness. As for Gina, go on being cynical and disparaging. We don't have the luxury. And yes, that is MY TRUTH.

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Okay. But fairness is antithetical to satire. Satire is all about extremes and the contrast between reality and pretense. Harry and Meghan embody that contrast. You may disagree, but that's your business.

Sure. Someone could write a 'fair' satire, but it wouldn't work. For the same reason, you can't tell me a genuinely funny Woke joke.

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Simply palahniukian.

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Narrator: My suitcase was vibrating?

Airport Security Officer: Nine times out of ten it's an electric razor, but every once in a while...it's a dildo. Of course, it's company policy never to imply ownership in the event of a dildo... always use the indefinite article 'a' dildo, never 'your' dildo.

Narrator: I don't own...

That scene always kills me. Masterful.

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First Rule: never mention autoerotic stimulation.

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"Harry is to intelligent thought what lead pipes are to potable water." 😂 Well said!

One of my most common statements in my work (thankfully I'm retired now) was the euphemism, "Just because you're in a leadership position does not make you a leader." I'm not sure this did my career any good, but everyone I said it to nodded their head sagely (see what i did there?😁) in agreement. Of course, neither Harry or Meghan are in leadership positions, either, though.

But it's all good as long as we purge the primal evil of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. We've got to get medieval on it, much like plague doctors purging the air of bad humours. Using burning sage. The plant variety, not the smart guys...or maybe burning witches was burning sages?

I guess life will go on regardless...at least we are entertained!😂

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Indeed. It's almost religious. The climate is changing. Best of luck bending that to your will. And yet, Ernie, life goes on... life goes on!

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They are a private couple, shame on you for invading their wholly monetised privacy.

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The emperor isn't wearing ethically sourced fair-trade vegan-friendly robes!

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I’m not sure I’ve ever read a more accurate simile than drinking potable water from a lead pipe. Brilliant! Now get in your cage!

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RE: "Mania" -- we have already arrived. At least once a day I see someone excusing rude, unacceptable, aggressive and/or violent behavior by claiming that it's OK, they're just "neurodivergent." As in, "Don't be cruel and judge poor Jeffrey Dahmer negatively, he's neurodivergent."

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Yes. And as pointed out below, it dilutes the experiences of those with such conditions. 'I'm so OCD!' is an example. Without saying too much, OCD isn't something one can write off as a twee little quirk of one's personality.

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And that, is incredibly offensive to those of us who genuinely are "neurodivergent" in other words autistic or have adhd. And were properly diagnosed not just seen by a nurse over zoom and told "you're autistic" when really they have social anxiety or something.

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