"In Plain English: Activism is emotional graffiti for people too boring, too aesthetically unpleasing, and too mediocre to do much beyond harangue others with their sterile, copy-and-paste opinions." - Boom! I heartily agree and will ignore the irony that I cut and paste that quote... : ) And of course the talking pig is racist! Look at how naturally they set up a class-based system of inequity when they constructed the houses that the wolf went after. Only the one that could afford the bricks was not in immediate bodily danger. I also love the metaphor of Goldie Locks as imperial/colonialist entitlement. I tell my son that all the time when we read that story, but he just won't get it yet. That little racist!

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Cheers, boss!

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Good presentation of the facts. Of course we all know that facts are racist.

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Good presentation of the facts. Of course we all know that facts are racist.

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Excellent as ever. The lunatics really are running the asylum, aren't they......council house kid here, we couldn't afford Monopoly. Branded board games were bloody expensive in the 70s. We got the Compendium of Games every Christmas, which had playing cards, draughts/chess, ludo, backgammon and games that were so obscure nobody knew a) wtf they were or b) how to play them ....Nine Mens Morris, anyone? No, me neither. We bought our youngest Cheats Monopoly a few Christmases ago - wonder what the critical race mob would make of that one? 🤣

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As you can tell, I've moved up in the world 😂

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In every poor kid, regardless of race or political leanings, there's a closet Marxist...in the sense that we're all aware, sometimes painfully, of distinctions in class. Even if you don't buy the whole communism thing you understand class conflict.

I've much more in common with inner city poor people of color than I do with rich white kids from the suburbs. Always have. You don't shed where you come from so easily.

Poor is poor. Class > race.

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Always and forever.

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