Mr. Gage, I haven't watched the Tucker interview, and won't. My problem with all of is this, I trust none of the people in charge, or the people who want to be in charge.

After covid, why would any thinking person?

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Covid really changed my view of human nature. I don't blame you.

However, Putin is a murderer. We should be able to all agree on that.

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I'm not say he isn't. My point is, go look at the covid medical protocols.

In every western country they are very similar. Millions were murdered right in the very institution they went to for help, the hospital.

Covid was billed as a super virus, but the facts don't bare that out.

I no longer believe that our government/s are about protecting us, but eliminating us. Everything they pass at our federal level, no matter who is president, proves my point. Even Europe is more aware of this danger then my fellow countrymen.

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Chris. Did you really think the interview was THAT BAD?

I was expecting Vlad to give him much of anything. Somebody needed to interview the man. 2 years into a war and no one’s heard from Putin.

Anyways. It is what it is.

For a good laugh. Go back and watch the guy from NBC INTerview Putin last time.

Don’t have a link. Found it on you tube.

I disagree with you on this one but love you just the same.

All the Best


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No problem with the interview. A huge coup for Tucker. No problem with Tucker, generally.

But... the supermarket scenes, and the Putin Myth are worthy of attack.

We can disagree and remain civil. A novel idea! I hope it trends.

Thank you, as always.

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Meant . Wasn’t expecting

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I haven't seen the interview with Putin, don't intend to watch it either although it's now at 200 million views, staggering figures. Americans abroad are highly amusing, I encounter them often in my little corner of North Yorkshire, as they "Do" the UK flitting from place to place, covering the country in a week 😂 Our ancient buildings and architecture seem to strike them the most. I have been known, on encountering them at Fountains Abbey, to remark "it will be magnificent when they finish building it....".. I shouldn't tease, but can't help it 😂

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I am a fan of Tucker, so it grieves me to see him make such a colossal blunder. Ive listened to a broad political spectrum of analysis of his interview. It appears to me that his intentions and words are twisted by a media. It's common knowledge that the elites truly despise him. He has made many powerful enemies. Hence, his popularity with the average American.

However, I fear that his meteoric success and freedom has lead him to fly to close to the sun. Regardless of his intentions, he has given the media a powerful weapon. He has been portrayed as a traitor to America, unpatriotic. This can be a poison pill that's difficult to overcome in the minds of average Americans.

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Thank you for that measured comment.

I'm not anti-Tucker by any stretch of the imagination. His politics, derided as 'fascist,' is actually where the middle American sits. But his credulity in Moscow is ripe for such satirical writing.

Neither do I ally with the upper elites who loathe Tucker for the reasons you've pointed out. They've caused this mess. I'm under no illusion there.

I hope he gets back to critiquing unfettered capitalism, 'free' trade, cheap labour immigration, and corporate America. He's a gifted writer and broadcaster. But he's hurting himself with this Russia stuff.

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“It is so much cleaner and safer and prettier, aesthetically, the architecture, its food, its service than any city in the United States “ was also said about Berlin in 1938

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I'm reading Orwell's essays at the moment. Of course, the 1930s were uniquely awful, but the similarities are striking. So many ordinary people are hankering for and excusing authoritarian lunatics, blind to their murderous crimes.

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I admit I was impressed with the Moscow subway station but it is only one subway station in one Russian city, and the heroic agricultural worker artwork did not impress me and the glowering portrait of Lenin was nauseating. I have an aversion to Russia and Russians that may be genetic in origin considering my Polish, Czech and Slovak ancestry, and have no desire to listen to Vlad Shortstacky interviewed for 2 hours and spew his Russian nationalist version of history and current events. That said I wouldn't put Tucker Carlson in the Duranty depths of depravity; you may consider him ingenuous in Moscow but not malicious.

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True. Duranty is a million levels above. But Duranty is a useful euphemism for toady behaviour.

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Colonel Kurtz wasn't the hero of "Apocolypse Now" -- that honor goes to Robert Duvall's character, Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore ("I love the smell of napalm in the morning").

And, with regard to men of short physical stature, back in 1980s Israel they used to joke that there were three sizes in Jordan: Medium, small, and king-size. (that still holds true, today... 40 years on)

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Oh, for sure. 'Someday this war's gon' end...'

Ha! I'm not being mean about height. Just his obvious hang-up with his height. Height doesn't matter.

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Hell, Obama is 6'2 and he's a supercilious prick. But Obamus Maximus Optimus has a radiant smile where Vlad the Impaler is po-faced chiseled in stone.

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I'm 6'2. I'm more waggish than supercilious...

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I am 5'7 but as an English prof I had in college, an Irishman named Shesgreen, used to say, height and stature are two different things.

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Nicely put. And very true.

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I did know about Napoleon but I didn't know about the Flavor-Aid. Thanks for the article. It vindicates my not ever watching Carlson. I just didn't think it would be useful. I know what I think about current events. I did listen to Rush but he was also entertaining and usually had a unique take on things. I don't think anyone on or formerly on Fox is all that unique even if I agree with them generally. It's clear that Tucker doesn't do the shopping. Every grocery store over here, even the little one in my town of 900 bakes their own bread as I'm sure they do where you are. Tucker also needs to learn that just because Democrats hate somebody doesn't mean they're automatically good. Besides if Putin were the General Secretary of the Politburo of the USSR instead of whatever he is now they and their fellow travelers in the former news media would be drooling over him just like they drooled over Stalin and all his successors.

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