love it

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Fantastic. Beautifully done. Shared.

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Delicious read. Fine tie-up: "After all, there’s more money in the treatment than in the cure."

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My grandpa was a Communist and he always said if he had the money he would open a school to mold young minds to Communism (he did have the money, he was a rich Communist miser, but that's a whole different story) and then he would salivate at the idea of all those blank brains he could etch his ideology onto...

I only raise this because there is something about fundamentalist fanatics, they are more attracted to children than was Michael Jackson, they have this compulsive need to program and reprogram as many brains as possible so that all brains become alike (to theirs).

This I think also partly explains why the Social Justice religion was born in academia—fanatics know that if they can indoctrinate your children they will have loyal obedient movement members for life. And, sadly, they just may be right.

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Makes me proud to be a 'Murican.

(a "yankee" is New England 'Murican for one who "tosses-off")

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I believe that would be a "yanker." (I don't think that you're from around here.)

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