That Hopper painting is gorgeous.

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Yes mass media is "sliding ever backwards" (and for all the reasons you array in this great article) but I'm less sure about the 'gone wrong...very recently'. In my view it is sliding backwards from an already very bad place - at least if it's moral and intellectual probity one is after.

"The BBC! More perhaps than any other place on earth, middle class Brits have for decades been cocooned in its cosy onesie of smug, virtue-signalling selective outrage and wilful myopia. It has ever been a veritable honey pot for the not so big-wide-world of the arts and academia..... In recent times, Channel 4 seems even to have surpassed it in the ticking of pc boxes." https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/non-binary-sibling-is-entertaining

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Chillingly spot on

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Christopher Gage

Mr. Gage, solid homerun. I personally miss news papers. Sadly, they have become nothing more then the mouthpieces of the political parties.

Online news papers are for the most part are nothing more than mouthpieces for the political parties.

We have all become tribes. I do note there are a few journalists out there trying to do news, but they are few. As for the savages that attacked civilization in Isreal, why would anyone believe a word they said? They wanted to believe. The Islamic nazis are in the same tribe.

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Indeed. The Free Press (thefp.com) is well worth the daily read. Consistently good and from a sane liberal perspective.

If those troglydytes told me it was dark at midnight, I'd take a look outside to be sure.

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Social media gets blamed whereas as we see in the beginning of this piece, it is the legacy media - "All of them—The BBC, Sky News, CNN, and the New York Times—beclowned themselves." - who get it diametrically wrong. With the proper time vetted sources, and a web of linked informational streams, a person nowadays can craft their own news supply much better than Walter Cronkite ever offered.

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Social media changed the way we think.

Yes, they can craft their own supply. In an ideal world full of rational people, that's a good thing. Evidently, this is not that world.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Christopher Gage

"If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

Add it to the list of other things George was right about.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Christopher Gage

It's worse than twitter brain. It's an affliction whereby the sufferer thinks entirely in terms of oppressed/the oppressor. So in the eyes of such midwittery, the acts of Oct 7 are justified.....vile, evil, heinous acts which folk blessed with common sense and reasonable intellect are repulsed by. Such thinking leads inevitably to catastrophic bloomers made by the beeb in re the hospital strike....🙄

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Christopher Gage

What I particularly like about this is that (while yes, it was Hamas' own rockets that struck the hospital parking lot) below the hospital lay/lies a mini-city of Hamas operational headquarters! Which is better -- that Islamic Jihad rockets take-it-out, or that Israeli munitions do so? You be the judge (I've gotta go piss)

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